Steroids For Women – Risks Vs. Benefits

Alina Popa 3

Steroids and women may seem like a weird word association; when you say anabolic steroids, you think of strong men. True, there are many more men who take steroids than women, and you can often notice women who use steroids, but the number of women who use them is higher than you think. Furthermore, the number of women using steroids is growing exponentially every day.

Steroids For Women

Anabolic steroids can be very harmful to a woman, especially for one reason: they can destroy her femininity. There are also situations where steroids and women can work well together, but you will need to take great care. Women have a very narrow range of steroids that they can use, and the doses should be minimal. Here we will analyze the relationship between steroids and women, the risks and benefits, and the safest methods when you are 100% determined.

Effects Of Steroids For Women

As with most people who use steroids, they are determined to use them. Therefore, whether you are a man or woman and reading this article, you will likely use them anyway. So, with that in mind, we will tell you the risks that you will come across, and what you can do if you are that determined.


When you say steroids and women, there is a universal fear: turning into a man! As you know, anabolic androgenic steroids are derived from the primary male sex hormone, testosterone. No woman will become a man if she uses steroids, but they can significantly emphasize her masculine traits. Steroids cause virilization due to the massive growth of androgens in the body. Androgens are hormones produced by both men and women, the main ones being testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. Men need ten times more androgens than women. In a woman, when androgen levels rise above their needs, male traits begin to manifest. The most common effects of virilization are :

  • Hair growth on the body.
  • Enlargement of the clitoris.
  • Deepening of the voice.
  • Emphasizing masculine facial features.

No woman would want that, but many women supplement with steroids and avoid virilization. That’s because they know what they are doing, and they don’t abuse them. You need to know what to take, when to take, how to take, and notice early on the effects of virilization to stop it.

Avoiding Virilization

The first step is to choose anabolic steroids that have minimal virilization effects. Some steroids are more virilizing than others; logically, these should be avoided by women. We must be clear: all anabolic androgenic steroids have a certain degree of virilization risk. Just with differing degrees! Women who choose steroids with low virilization properties are highly likely to experience nothing, but there is still a risk. We are unique individuals, and some women will not tolerate a particular steroid, while others will have no problems.

Steroids For Women

Therefore, the simplest way to avoid virilization is to choose only low-risk steroids. Secondly, if the slightest signs appear, the steroid administration will be stopped immediately and completely. After the administration is discontinued, the symptoms will disappear. If you ignore the symptoms and continue use, then the problems appear, and most of the time, they are irreversible. Again, if symptoms of virilization occur, you should stop taking any type of steroid! Then analyze the causes: what you used, maybe you used too high doses, etc. Therefore, care and caution are of utmost importance!

Steroids And Women – Not Just For Bodybuilders

When you think of women taking steroids, you think of bodybuilders. And it seems to you that they are the only ones using anabolic steroids, right? Wrong! Where there are performance sports, there is also the use of steroids, regardless of sex. Even fitness models can use anabolic steroids. I’m not saying that everyone does, but there are plenty who do. Even models for magazines, those that advertise protein and weight loss pills, use steroids and other doping substances.

When it comes to sports where physical performance matters most, the use of steroids is well known and documented. For example, Turanabol is a steroid that has been widely used in women in the former competitions. The doses had become so high that the virilization effects were extreme. It is an example of how women should NOT use steroids. That said, anyone who has common sense and some knowledge in the field knows that there is no performance without doping substances, regardless of the gender: male or female.

Women And Steroids

There are even rumors that the big-screen female stars would sometimes use mild cycles of steroids and other hormonal substances. And there is another category, that of sports amateurs, who take steroids to look better. Perhaps in most of the world, this category is small, but in the United States, there is a much more extensive use. The percentages remain unchanged, men use much higher anabolic and androgenic steroids, but you would be amazed at how many women use such substances.

The Best Steroids For Women – Anavar

As I said, many steroids should be avoided by women. So the question remains: what steroids could a woman use in relative safety? Without a doubt, the first anabolic steroid to consider is Oxandrolone (Anavar). That one is most friendly to women (maybe because it was designed for women and children). And men can use it successfully, but in performance sports circles, it is called “women’s steroid.” Anavar has the lowest possible rate of virilization and helps to develop important body parts for women. Most women tolerate 10 mg/day very well, and some can increase the dose to 20 mg/day.

Most do not need more than 10 mg/day, but if you want to increase the dose, do it gradually, with 5 mg at a time. From 10 mg, first, try 1-2 weeks at 15 mg before moving to 20. The higher the dose, the greater the risk of virilization. The duration of the cycles is 4-8 weeks, 6 being the most used length.


Apart from Anavar, there are other choices for women. In second place is Primobolan Depot. Primobolan can also be used orally, but since it is not C-17 alpha alkylated, most of it will be destroyed by the liver. Most women tolerate 100 mg/week of Primobolan Depot well, but with a cycle duration of 4 weeks, 6 weeks being the maximum for those who tolerate the steroid exceptionally well!


Then there is Stanozolol, known mainly as Winstrol. Here the risks increase more, being 50-50 chances of virilization. Half of the women who use it tolerate it, while half do not. When compared to Anavar, the tolerance rate is shallow. For those who tolerate it, the dose is 10 mg / once every two days. Women prefer Winstrol orally, especially since the active substance is the same in both preparations.

These three are the most friendly steroids for women. Some women use other types of steroids, but the risks increase a lot, and it becomes a matter of personal tolerance and goals. Women still use Equipoise in very low doses, and some people tend to use very low doses of testosterone, especially those who suffer from testosterone deficiency. If I were a woman, I would not touch such steroids!

More Steroids For Women

Steroids and women may cohabit, but in the world of sport, there are other substances successfully used by sportsmen. Below is a list of six other substances widely used by women, more so than steroids. Especially in the case of fat-burning substances, they are very often used by women, whether they are performance sports or amateurs.

  • Arimidex: a flavoring inhibitor for keeping estrogen under control – should be used rarely by women, and only in cases of force majeure.
  • Clenbuterol: a beta-2 agonist useful for fat burning – it is often used by women, the doses being lower than in men.
  • Cytomel: a thyroid gland hormone known as T3 – it is very strong, it is used especially during defining diets for up to 6 weeks; it can be combined with Clenbuterol.
  • Ephedrine: one of the most popular weight-loss substances, widely used in sports in all disciplines.
  • Human growth hormone: an extremely powerful peptide hormone – very anabolic, will increase metabolism and increase recovery after exertion; doses for women should be limited to 1 IU/day.
  • Nolvadex: an estrogen that is controlled by estrogen – it is used to give a drier appearance when the fat percentage is low.

For women, it is best to take a single steroid, not to combine more. Steroids can be combined with other substances, such as some of the above, to enhance the results, depending on the purpose.


The relationship between steroids and women is a complex one and should be treated with caution. I don’t encourage any woman to use steroids, on the contrary! But, knowing the world of sport and how some personal ambitions can overcome the fear of anything (and even the preservation instinct). Therefore, I make this information available so that those who are determined can make a decision as wisely and safely. I would like to remind you that there is no such thing as using anabolic and androgenic steroids without any risk, especially virilization in women!


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